Friday, January 7, 2011

My thoughts for today

 Hey well I am here in my living room and waiting for the the drier to finish. I might go to my bf house for the weekend. Today I got a phone call from my grandmother and we talked she started to cry about the fact that she feels everyone on this side of the family including my father which is her son has chosen Andres over the family. She thinks that everyone is being mean for w.e the reason . It is kinda sad that my family is not closer together but one person didn't do that the issues are beyond that person. Its always lies and hiding stuff. For a strong family is that even if you don't like it you keep your mouth shut and be there for the person. Also being honest because if you don't love the person from the bottom of the heart like family suppose to there will be no trust and no communication.  Its funny because I have these beliefs because that is what I was taught growing up and when I was growing up my family was a bit more closer. Not even my parents talk to each other like they use to . This year I didn't spend new years or thanksgiving with my dad cause he feels like my aunt is being fake and its not the same as it use to be . As much as I agree  with him what does that help but at the same time he use to spend those days with his parents and brother and for about 11 years he hasn't and rather anyone like them or how much they talk that is his family to. I don't understand what goes through peoples mind sometimes. The world is a horrible place and if you don't have family good or bad what can you say about that. Example I have not choosen my bf family over mine but they are part of my family now. I had a baby with bf and as much as I am not married he is still my babies father, grandmother, and aunts. So rather my bf and I are together or not they are still family they will always be a part of me . My mom makes it seem that I chose them over her its not even the case. My family now is them and my family in having my son.  See when I was little my aunt use to come over and uncle with my cousins I dont even remember when was the last time that happen. They hardly even come to visit the baby but unlike what anybody say when its been awhile i go visit even if i go walking so they can see the baby because family is family rather they don't see it like that anymore. I even ask my mom sometimes o why don't pass by her cousins house or something like that and they always have something to say . When I was little it wasn't allot but I use to go visit. My son is going on 9 month this month and he still havent met his whole family and they live in the same state. How sad is that. So have you ever thought what family means to you . Have you looked around on how things change? Have you ever stopped and ever have a decent conversation with a relative that maybe you havent spoken to . I try but I cant put the effort on my own it takes two.
                                                                                well love you buh bye

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I need opinions!

     I know I am to old for this but when is to much just to much. I am the middle child of all of us grown. I have a younger brother and a older sister but my relationship with my brother is the worst. I have no idea where the hell it went wrong but you can tell when he doesn't like me and for me that is not a man .. Who the hell doesnt like a sibling well my problem is that I cant take it anymore. I want to cus him so bad and send him to hell !!!  We are grown ass people we not in high school no more so he cant be acting like this no more what matters what my parents laugh and dont say anything about the situation. For example today I have had the WII console for about 2 years already and the internet has never worked and today got fixed. I am not going to lie the only reason it got fixed was for the netflix but the matter is I was doing stuff and checking all the features and demos. My brother comes while I was doing that and tries to connect the netflix so i let him and then i asked for it back so I continue doing what I was doing and he sat his ass down actually laid down taking the whole sofa and started watching a movie. I mean grow up. Let me tell you he has a ps3 and i have never touched it at all but yet he is running on. okkk Lets continue my story at the moment I am sick and for personal reasons I am a little down so I put the baby on the swing ( mind you he was in the swing and I was using the wii because he just got out of a cold himself.) I was resting and he started crying My brother was next to him and all I asked to push the swing harder cause i was laying down in the room next to the living room. He said he was and for me to get him he is my fuqing kid. How shallow but he wants to tell me how to raise him like he is super hero. As I am writing this lovely blog my son is in the swing and he said momma and my brother said no he said tita thats what the family calls me. I simply just asked to please stop teaching him that and he kept on my mom said he is not saying that because of that like if I am a retard. How sad is that !!  Also earlier today he was going to leave to go to school in orlando and he didnt even say bye to me . How funny hahaha !!!!!

                                                                                         <3 yea

The Year and things I went through

Hey I decided to become a blogger because in reality you cant really trust anyone. I have been through so much and I don't know what to think anymore. I am also in a writing class and I want to improve my writing . I use to write allot more then now may be it was time to get back to that. Ok last yeas in april 2010  I had my first baby and no one liked me bf. Till this day I still here little comments about me being with him. I am a firm believer that no one is perfect and in any relationship there will be some bumps in the way.  I do have some difficulties with him but what can you expect if we are not living together yet and with a baby it can be very stress full.  With people in our business it makes it worst . I love him so much and even though we go through allot he is the only one I see myself with. Why is it easier to just give up in love then fight for it !! I personally think thats why there is so much divorces and breaks up. When you had true feelings about someone truthfully it never fades so why must you go out of your way to hurt the person.  Things will change and things are not going to stay the same in a relationship and people are so scared of change that they make it a big deal. I do that sometimes but I am a newly mom and my body is not the same as it use to so i get scared that he wants someone else and not me !!! I also know that allot of moms think the same !!  Well I will write more but this is my opener I hope you like !!