Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Year and things I went through

Hey I decided to become a blogger because in reality you cant really trust anyone. I have been through so much and I don't know what to think anymore. I am also in a writing class and I want to improve my writing . I use to write allot more then now may be it was time to get back to that. Ok last yeas in april 2010  I had my first baby and no one liked me bf. Till this day I still here little comments about me being with him. I am a firm believer that no one is perfect and in any relationship there will be some bumps in the way.  I do have some difficulties with him but what can you expect if we are not living together yet and with a baby it can be very stress full.  With people in our business it makes it worst . I love him so much and even though we go through allot he is the only one I see myself with. Why is it easier to just give up in love then fight for it !! I personally think thats why there is so much divorces and breaks up. When you had true feelings about someone truthfully it never fades so why must you go out of your way to hurt the person.  Things will change and things are not going to stay the same in a relationship and people are so scared of change that they make it a big deal. I do that sometimes but I am a newly mom and my body is not the same as it use to so i get scared that he wants someone else and not me !!! I also know that allot of moms think the same !!  Well I will write more but this is my opener I hope you like !!

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